How to get a job in professional sports

How to get a job in pro sports

The article that I read on is about how to get a job in professional sports if you are not an athlete. Professional sports are extremely popular which means the line to get a job in professional sports is extremely long if you don’t have an advanced degree or connections. For college students and recent grads, the first thing they have to realize is that too work in professional sports they are going to have to start out in an entry level job or internship. These jobs are not going to be high paying but it is the route you have to go if you want to show an organization that you are dedicated to the team. For most recent college grads the route they will have to go is in sales. Sales may not be the route most want to go but getting paying customers to the game is what gets the eye of senior management. If you exceed in sales you can expect to have a very high salary job by 30 before moving your way up the food chain. For those who don’t want to go the sales route another route is public relations. Writing press releases and putting together media guides is a great way to advance in your organization. Contacting your schools sports information department and working for free is a great way to get started and give you a foot ahead on the competition. Another way to get started in an organization is by working in the team’s customer service department. Putting together events for sponsors is a way to show your organization skills, attention to detail, and social skills that the upper level management would love. For communications majors these are just a couple ways to get involved in professional sports and start a career in the industry that you love.

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