Wrap up blog post

This is Chase Phillips with my final wrap up blog post for Com210. By far my favorite project of the semester was the video project that we just completed. The video project was also the most difficult, so it wasn’t my favorite because it was the easiest. The video took a ton of time to make and edit but it was also the most enjoyable. I really had a good time making the video. It allowed me to be very creative which I thoroughly enjoyed. Editing in the video footage along with the commentary and the background was a difficult task, but a fun one. When I finished the video I showed people what a day in my average Monday-Friday life was like and I’m glad people got to see that.
Some skills that I learned in this course that I think I will use in the future are probably the graphic design and vector graphic skill sets. As of right now my path that I plan on taking in com is strategic communication with an emphasis in advertising. The graphic design and vector graphics will definitely be used in all sets of advertising. The audio and video skills will also probably play a big part in advertising also with radio ads and TV commercials. This class also did somewhat influence my decision making in my career path. How it influenced me was that I enjoyed working with the audio and video, but I realized there are people that are much better than me at it. I realize I could work at it and become much better than the three week units taught me, but I have a history of being good at advertising. Well in High School I was in DECA, which is essentially a business advertising cub and I went to state in my category so I feel that I’m already an alright advertiser.
A skill that I wish I would have learned in this course that I did not learn would be how to edit music. I’m not sure if that would be practical for this course but I have always had a great interest in editing music. The digital audio unit taught us to edit audio but it was voice audio to tell a story not musical audio to create a song. Also I did not discover any websites outside on the websites given in class that I think would be helpful in this course.
To wrap up this blog post I will say that this class was my favorite class that I took this semester. It is a required class for communications, but I would recommend it people outside the com major that want to take a fun and useful class. I enjoyed how the class was completely online but allowed us to go in during lab hours to get help if we were having any trouble with the material. My one suggestion that I have for the class is re-doing how the groups were set up to comment and dissect other people’s projects they had completed. Multiple times when I went to comment on other people’s work I noticed that they may not have completed this assignment, but they had also not completed one or two projects due before this one. They may have just been lazy, but I’m guessing they had probably dropped the class and were still on the roster for the course.

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