Draft video Story

This is my draft video story for my Com210 class at Washington State University. My draft video story was by far the hardest project to compete out of all the projects we have been assigned this semester. The time it took to complete this draft video story was much longer then any of the other assignments. First off, I had to spend a couple hours on campus filming myself doing normal things that I would do every day in my life. My good friend Connor Peterson was nice enough to tag around with me and film me doing this stuff also. After I had gathered all the footage I then had to upload it to my computer and organize it to use in the Premiere video editor. Every single clip I used was edited down in time to be able to use all the videos. Also some videos I shot were not used in this video because I obtained so much footage. After I had all the videos in place on Premiere I then had to give each video a transition to make it useable. The most common transitions I used were the slide and push transitions. After that I knew that my video would not sound good without any music so I had to find a song to use for it. It was difficult at first to find a song with a free-to-remix license, but through that link on the class page I somehow found a song on Soundcloud that I actually enjoyed. The link to that song will be below this post. After the song was in I had to edit in even more audio of me narrating what I was doing throughout the video. I had to change the volume level on my song to so that my voice was clearer. After that I used three different pictures of some of my good friends and I and put ending credits to my video on those pictures.
• Visual
1. Video of Concert I attended
Effect- Slide
Title- still- swirl out
2. Drinking coffee- Slide in
3. Leaving house- Push transition
4. Walking to frat- Push transition
5. Walking into frat- Split transistion
6. 3 separate shots of me eating a donut- push transition used in all of them- 1st shot far away, 2nd shot getting closer, 3rd shot close up
7. Walk to class- Push transition
8. Walking through door- split transition
9. Walking on the mall- slide transition
10. Walking up stairs to library- slide transition
11. Looking for book- push transition
12. Walking home down B St. 1- split transition
13. Walking home down B St. 2- slide transition
14. Walk into home- push transition
15. Going to bed- push transition then dissolves
16. Pic of friends- slide transition
17. Title- still- Cross dissolve
18. Pic of friends- slide transition
19. Title 2- still – additive dissolve/ cross dissolve
20. Pic of friends- push transition
21. Title 3- still- film dissolve/cross dissolve

1. Song- Pool Parties and Beach Sunsets mini mix by Tribe of Noise- exponential fade
2. Clip of me narrating until first clip of me walking down B St.
3. Clip of me continuing to narrate until the ending credits
4. Song ends after credits with exponential fade out

3 responses to “Draft video Story

  1. Even though nobody has commented on my draft video yet I’m going to go ahead and say what I think. I think my video was overall a pretty good video. I used a lot of different footage of different parts of campus and I think that is a very unique part about my video that I haven’t seen in other videos so far. Some things that my video could improve on are maybe a softer voice over from me. I cannot tell if my voiceover is too loud over the music or vice versa so that would be a good thing to change if it needs some work. Also I had to have two different audios of me talking because when I was recording I messed up in my audio. So when I’m walking down B st in my video you might hear a slight change in my voice because of the two audio recordings and if that is so I will have to fix that.

  2. Hi, overall it is a nice video, I really liked your use of the photo collage at the beginning. I like your detailed illustration of your one day simple life, you used the skills that we have learned from previous in your transactions. Very nice work done! The only suggestion I would give is I think you should put more entertaining elements into your video instead of just simply introducing your dairy life. You can add a video clip of something special you would do in a day. For example, a special restaurant and the favorite food you would eat everyday. This would keep the audience entertained and want to keep watching it till the end. But you have done a very good job so far. I am looking forward to see your final video!

  3. I thought this video was really unique and well done. While watching your video I was actually interested and didn’t see it as a class assignment at the time. This video was really well done and the usage of different footage used was great. The only improvement and advice I can give in this video is to better use the audio of your voiceover and the music. Fading them both in and out properly I feel would do the video much justice.

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