Draft Audio Story

This is my blog post for my rough draft of my audio storytelling. My story is about my topic, which of course is me. To come up with a good story I had to do a little brainstorming. First off I looked at the about me on my word press blog and used a lot of that material because that has been what my whole project has been about. The about me though just really gave you the basic info about me. Really just an outline of who I am as a human being. From there I knew I had to incorporate all the other parts of my story I am trying to tell you through my project and how it all interconnects. For example, I love enjoying the sun and would like to live in a place where there is always sun since I have lived in the Pacific Northwest my whole life. Since there isn’t much sun in Washington, my family went to Hawaii which is in my photo collection, and my photo collage, which I talked about in my audio story. Another part of my life is my love for music. I can’t think of a time of the day when I’m not listening or trying to find new music. That is shown through my logo that I made, in which my inspiration for that logo was the EDM group Adventure Club. The colors red and blue that I used in my logo are also the colors that they use to advertise their group. Also the funky lettering comes from when I was in middle school Nike used to make lots of shirts using that bubble lettering and I was always a really big fan of those shirts back in the day. Also and maybe most important I talked about my love of Cougar football and I know everyone can agree that it is very important. Lastly I would like to give credit to my roommate Greg because he videotaped me giving my interview.

4 responses to “Draft Audio Story

  1. I left your interview knowing things about you even though I have never meet you which is pretty cool. But one thing I would maybe change would be to have another person talk in your interview whether there talking about you or they are asking you the questions about yourself. I liked how you interviewed yourself but I think it would be cool to hear other persons voice whether there asking you a question or whether you ask them a question about yourself and see what they say. But overall, the interview was edited very good, no long pauses and no ums and like which making it very easy to follow.

  2. I have only received one comment on my draft audio story so far but I feel I got enough feedback to do my own self critique on. First off from the comments I received they said I had good editing and no ums or likes and it flowed well which I think is the most important part of this project. I am also very glad that people feel like they know me even though they have never actually met me so my story must be very convincing. I do agree with my critique that maybe I should add another person’s voice into the mix so that there is more variety. I am going to have my friends or roommates interview me and play around with it to see how it sounds. If it sounds better, I am going to use the material to better my project. If I think that it sounds better with myself interview, I will keep the self-interview.

  3. I liked your interview. I like how you chose to do it by yourself because I feel like it is easier to continue your flow of thoughts. I also liked how you talked about sports and added brief commentary about the Cougars playing Oregon, to me that showed your enthusiasm for WSU football since you would mention them in your interview. A critique I have is to go a little more in depth with your answers and not just reference your blog. When you say you like to go on vacations maybe you could give an example of your favorite family vacation and what made it so special. I think this will also add some length which would also be a plus I think. And last, maybe you want to think about incorporating someone else into your interview, it might help but it also might take away from your interview, its just maybe something to think about but I do like your interview you already have set up.

  4. I apologize for posting this feedback late, it accidentally totally slipped my mind! After listening to your audio story I feel like I have a really good idea of your passions and plans in life, and just a general idea of who you are. I think you did a very good job of incorporating all of those elements smoothly into one story. In order to add some more interest or a different perspective to your story you might consider including an interview clip with someone who knows you well, or possible ambient noise, such as waves when you talk about Hawaii, or cheering when you mention Cougar football. Also, there are a couple times where you can hear the edit and transition between clips, so if you go back through and cut out those little “blips” your audio quality can definitely improve. Overall I think you did a very good job and hearing your final mix will be really interesting!

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