Final draft logo

For my final draft logo I kept it mostly all the same. My logo is still just my initials with my name in font underneath it because it represents me. Like I said in my draft logo write up I wanted to keep the design of my log simple because the most successful companies such as Nike, McDonald’s, Apple, and many others. To create my draft logo I used the pen tool and created a rough sketch of each of my initials. Then I used the direct selection tool to round out all of the points to give it more of a bubble letter look instead of being just plain. Then I changed it even more by using a uniform line with a 3pt oval and a 2pt stroke. After that I placed my letters together and centered the logo in the middle of the page. But I couldn’t just leave it plain black and white so I had to change that up. I was not sure what colors to make my letters at first, but after playing with it for a while I decided on the red C and the light blue P. When I was editing my logo for my final logo I red some feedback on my design and one of the things people said was to add some background image or color. So I used the ellipsis tool and put it in the back of my logo. I centered it and decided on using a yellow color because I thought it went good with the red and blue. After that I changed the opacity on the logo to 40 percent so that it was lighter than the rest of the colors. Another comment on my draft logo was that my name was in too plain of font so I changed it to a cursive font and it turned out to go really well with the rest of my logo.

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