Draft logo

For my draft logo which is a logo for me I just kept it simple and used the letters CP which are of course my initials and added my name below it. When I was reading through the suggested readings on angel one of them said that the best and most recognizable logos and images are the simplest ones. For example Nike, McDonald’s, and Adidas all have very simple logos and are recognizable worldwide.
My design inspiration was honestly me. I’ve always messed around with my initials and drew them in different unique ways ever since I can remember. So I started by just drawing my initials in various different ways on scratch paper and had fun with that until I made my favorite design which is my draft logo.
To create my draft logo I used the pen tool and created a rough sketch of each of my initials. Then I used the direct selection tool to round out all of the points to give it more of a bubble letter look instead of being just plain. Then I changed it even more by using a uniform line with a 3pt oval and a 2pt stroke. After that I placed my letters together and centered the logo in the middle of the page. But I couldn’t just leave it plain black and white so I had to change that up. I was not sure what colors to make my letters at first, but after playing with it for a while I decided on the red C and the light blue P. How I came to choose those colors was that earlier today I bought my Adventure Club tickets and the Adventure Club logo was those colors and I thought it looked good so I used them. Maybe not the most creative idea but it looked good.

2 responses to “Draft logo

  1. Hey Chase,
    Your draft logo design looks really nice, it is simple and straightforward. I think what makes it strong is the simplicity of it, which you hinted on in your write up. You also picked good colors that not only stand out but also work well with each other. Maybe you could add something on the outside like a circle around everything or a square to make it really stand out. Also you could change your name to a different more cursive font, which will make your name at the bottom stand out in its own way compared to the initials CP. Other then that I think your logo is very good and simple, which is what you were going for so mission accomplished.


  2. The simplicity of this logo is great, also the name at the bottom adds for a more professional looking edit to the logo. I feel that this is the strong part of the logo, even though this logo is very simple it is strong and the colors help add some vibrance to it. One thing you could try and focus on is changing the font if your are going to consider being simple like so, this font looks too cartoon like and wobbly.

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